Be Your own Saju Master: A primer of the four pillar method
Decode your saju chart to unearth your subconscious where your future and destiny are on the make
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I recommend this book because there is no other book like this where you can learn to read your saju chart in a step-by-step way, in English. The book provides deep insights and the tools to help learners dive deeper into understanding themselves, their families, and the key elements for healing and growth. Nothing is ever set in stone in life, but by understanding our Four Pillars, we can use the information to help transform our lives in a positive way.
— Judy Yi, Instructor and Practioner of Pranic Healing
The challenges for books on saju are always the translation that seems to be either too technical or too watered down where you cannot even recognize the original intent. Dr. Kim has written a masterpiece where she holds the tension between scholarly integrity and readability for the novice. Dr. Kim's labor of love in the book comes out through and through. I enthusiastically recommend it.
— David D. Kim, Ph.D., author and founder/CEO of Research Institute for Counseling Education (RICE)
— Jung Ha Kim, Ph.D., author of Religions in Asian America, Singing the Lord’s Song in a New Land, and Bridge-Makers and Cross-Bearers.
This is a much-awaited guide to examine one’s life journey through a set of ancient wisdom. As a companion to astrological charts and a supplementary to spiritual quests, the book helps to (re)open various chapters of our lives. There is a saying that people teach who they are. The book embodies multiple aspects of who the author is: teacher, counselor, pastor, lover, writer, and cultural translator. The author testifies in this book how saju-ology can help uncover the intersectional and messy identities in life.
“Human life is essentially tied to the concept of time. Our birth and death and everything else in between are defined by time. This is true for all individuals who are destined to live through a certain segment of time unique to their existence. If a single moment in time is a piece of thread, the entire segment can be seen as a fabric having distinctive texture and design. This book is about the very fabric of time that defines and sustains individual destiny. Realizing one’s destiny involves an understanding of time as one’s own existential context.”
— from Be Your Own Saju Master: A Primer of the Four Pillars Method
“The Four Pillars established by the temporal boundaries of our world resembles an organic entity; it longs to command, and be commanded by, its owner. In a way, it is more than a roadmap; it is both the reflection and the influencer of our subconscious. Carl Jung stated, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." Your saju offers a roadmap to your subconscious, and in analyzing it, you will see the inner workings of your subconscious that is, one way or another, connected to your future.”
— from Be Your Own Saju Master: A Primer of the Four Pillars Method